I think that's what life is all about. Searching. We search for answers, friends, keys, "the other sock", new furniture, new "things", what to have for dinner, but most importantly, for what our life means to the world, to us. What I think we search the most for, is love. And you know what the funny part about that is...love is free. A smile, a hug, a kind word...all free. A feeling, a warmth, a touch...all free. Yet, it is the hardest to come by for some, the hardest thing to learn, and can be the hardest thing to accept. It can also be the hardest thing to give. Why is that? Love is our greatest gift! Love is our most prized possession, yet can be treated like our most despised. Because, not only is love grand, but love can also let us down, be twisted, and become lost. So love, yeah, I don't know what to tell you about love. Except it was given to us freely, and it is ours to give away freely. It should not be hard, but it is, or it can be. So what shou...