So, I started meditating a couple of months ago. For one week. (yeah, I have a hard time with motivation...when it interrupts my sleeping in:) )
And let me tell you, it was exhilirating, lovely, and calming! I loved it! I felt better about life, myself, and I felt I had more patience than I had ever received! So why did I stop? Not sure! It was probably like this in my head, "Ok Megan, get up, it's 6 am..c'mon, get up before the kids do, relax, ease in to your day, you'll be so glad you did this later!"
Me: "Just 5 more minutes...that's all I need, then I'll get up, I promise!"
An hour later in Megan's bed...
Me: "Oh crap! I gotta get up and get Brady ready for preschool!"
Then Megan's day....rush, rush, rush...no patience...rush, rush...clean, clean...
Yeah...so I need to do something about that. Get back to prayer and meditation and optimisim.
I think that is the key.
We shall see.