So for starters, I obviously am very much in love with my husband, Mr. Tom Bergman. From the day we met, we were inseperable. In our first year of dating, we were together everyday. He asked me to marry him a year to the date that we met (metAugust 29, 2001, engaged Aug. 29, 2002), and we were married 4 months and about 13 days later!
But anyway, this is about how wonderful of a father he is! He is absolutely in love with each one of his children. And the part I love about it, is that you can see in their eyes, that they know their daddy loves them as well. They adore him! Right now, Halloran is the most attached to him, and she just squeals with delight when he gets home from work. I'm telling you, even if the man steps out of the room for more than 5 minutes, then walks back in, she emits the same frequency of joy in seeing him, as she would if she hasn't seen him all day! Unbelieveable!
When he is home, he IS home. He is dad, husband and friend to us all.
The more I write about it, the more I tear up, because I know how real his love for us is. He is truly amazing! Do you know, that in the 8 years we've known eachother, we have had about 5 big fights. We have our small ones, as everyone does, you know about this and that, and why do you do this, and I wish you would do this, and why do you have to be so loud....LOL!
He's always thinking of new things he can be teaching the kids, and they are also one of the big reasons why Tom showed interest in finding a church for us to go to, and then, oops, he found the love of Jesus along the way! Which in turn, has made him and even more amazing person, husband, father and friend!
He is so helpful, caring, thoughtful, loving, HILARIOUS, handsome, smart, inventive, totally annoying sometimes ;), and my best friend. I don't know what I would do without him. I am so glad God saw fit to bring us together. God knew exactly what I wanted. And top of my list, was always a wonderful father.
And he is.
A wonderful father.
You can see it in each one of our children, it's because he loves them, and they love him.
I hope everyone has a Happy Father's Day!
I love when wives brag about their husbands! :)