Shelby had her 4 doctor appointments today at the U of MN! It started out with her ultrasound, which took about 5 minutes, and she cried. Only because she's at that stage where she does not want to just lay there on her back. Then they took us to another room for her VCUG. This one took longer, more laying, but with a catheder. Putting the catheder in was not the thing that bugged her, once again. It was just laying there!
She was so mad!
So she cried for about 15 out of the twenty minutes. To take a breath.
Then we were not supposed to have appointments until 1:45pm and 2:45pm. So I called friends who lived in the area, and they were both doing something...yeah, you know who you are!! It was fine because I went to the laser clinic and asked if they could possibly fit me in....(fingers crossed)...yep!
And, she didn't have to get a laser treatment done, even better!
Then I went to the urology clinc to see if they could fit me in...(fingers crossed again)...yep!
I got to the U of MN at 9am, had both tests done by 10 am and had our two clinic appointments done by noon! Shelby slept the whole ride home...I am so glad it went so smooth!
On the way down I was listening to Rascal Flatts, and the first song I heard was one that has now summed up the last few days for me, on what I need to do to get over the neighbor who hurt it is: