it turned out, for lack of a better term, normal. It was good to feel at least normal, because my day started out with no hope in sight!
I totally set myself up for it though, in hindsight. I had my day all planned out, and that's why it all went wrong!!!!!
I miss my hubby alot, he's been gone a lot this week, and then with school...I just miss him. I thought I was more "independent". But having Tom gone like this, well, it showed me a different side of myself! I know now, that I just have to "try" and take each day...or each minute, at a time.
Aaaagh! I'm so tired! If you guys would have seen how I behaved this morning, you would have thought I was posessed. I felt horrible, I looked horrible, and all I thought were horrible things. God's so funny. I think he sent me an "air" slap across the face, because that's how quickly I snapped out of it. My first half of the day just felt hopeless and then the afternoon came and Wham, I started to come back to reality.
Thanks God.
So now, I am patiently waiting for Tom to come home from the restaurant. It's late. Waaaaay past my old lady bedtime. But for him, I'll do it. I love him to pieces. Sometimes, I forget how deeply I do love him and need him. You can get so complacent, so used to having someone there because they're your spouse and that's just who they are. But they are there because you LOVE them, and you can't live without them! Duh! Why do I forget that sometimes?!
I have the same relationship with God sometimes. I get complacent, think I can be "independent"...don't really need him. But I do. I need him a lot. I love Him and I can't live without Him either!
Tom?! Where are you? I'm startin' to get deep here...and it's late. I might start talking about politics,religion and abortion soon! Heeeeeeeeeeeeelp!
Maybe I'll go wait by the TV.
I totally set myself up for it though, in hindsight. I had my day all planned out, and that's why it all went wrong!!!!!
I miss my hubby alot, he's been gone a lot this week, and then with school...I just miss him. I thought I was more "independent". But having Tom gone like this, well, it showed me a different side of myself! I know now, that I just have to "try" and take each day...or each minute, at a time.
Aaaagh! I'm so tired! If you guys would have seen how I behaved this morning, you would have thought I was posessed. I felt horrible, I looked horrible, and all I thought were horrible things. God's so funny. I think he sent me an "air" slap across the face, because that's how quickly I snapped out of it. My first half of the day just felt hopeless and then the afternoon came and Wham, I started to come back to reality.
Thanks God.
So now, I am patiently waiting for Tom to come home from the restaurant. It's late. Waaaaay past my old lady bedtime. But for him, I'll do it. I love him to pieces. Sometimes, I forget how deeply I do love him and need him. You can get so complacent, so used to having someone there because they're your spouse and that's just who they are. But they are there because you LOVE them, and you can't live without them! Duh! Why do I forget that sometimes?!
I have the same relationship with God sometimes. I get complacent, think I can be "independent"...don't really need him. But I do. I need him a lot. I love Him and I can't live without Him either!
Tom?! Where are you? I'm startin' to get deep here...and it's late. I might start talking about politics,religion and abortion soon! Heeeeeeeeeeeeelp!
Maybe I'll go wait by the TV.