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U of MN appointment

Went well! First, I must address that I am feeling 100% better today! I woke up feeling like me! Totally had to be food poisoning. Anyway. We had an 8:45 am appt and we got there at 8:45am. Not like we were pushing it or anything, right?!! Today we saw a pediatric surgeon, Dr. Donovan Hess...he was another amazing U of MN doc., we loved him! He was so informative, almost too informative because we left going, well, either this...this...or this could happen and then we'll have to that...or maybe that...or maybe that!

In his opinion, just from what he saw today, he doesn't think it is just a birthmark (infantile heemangioma), that would shrink up and go away on it's own. He thinks it is a form of vascular malformation (a mass of blood vessels and nerves), that will not go away on its own. SO. We have many options, many of which we will not know what to do with until we know every little bitty thing about her particular malformation. It does look like hers goes in to her spine, so he knows its serious, no one knows how serious yet. We go to see the urologist in Feb. He said he thinks they will want to do a biopsy on it, the angiogram to see where the blood vessels run to, and then they will all consult. He also said, that if it is the more serious kind, and the worst case scenario does happen (surgery), then he does not recommend that we get it done in MN. He recommends the Children's Hospital in Boston. Yep. Boston, New York. SO. We have a lot to pray for BUT, alot to be thankful for right now. Here's a list:

1. Shelby is a beautiful baby girl.
2. Shelby is a healthy baby girl.
3. Shelby is a Happy baby girl.
4. Shelby is a laid back sweetheart!
5. Shelby loves to love.
6. The malformation does not hurt her.
7. The malformation is hidden to all but her diaper changers...
8. We have awesome, truthful, honest amazing doctors.
9. We have supportive family and friends.
10. It is not life threatening.
11. We have Jesus on our side! Yeah!
12. We all love eachother.
13. Did I mention she is an amazing baby?
14. I'm not stressed about it!
15. Tom is a little, but not ALOT!
16. Shelby has many people who love her.
17. We have a lot of time to make all of these important decisions.
18. God has put me in a place right now, where I am at the strongest point in my life to deal with this health wise, emotionally, and physically. Waaahooo!
19. We only live once and we are all making the most of it right now, this second.
20. Karma. The law of attraction...the whole world is on our side...(a book I'm reading, well, have read, and am reading over and over and over's my second Bible.)

So, I could go on, but you get the picture! Thanks for all the support, prayers and good vibes! We appreciate every one!


Anonymous said…
Wow Megan - I am just so proud of how you are handling all of this! Totally inspiring and I will pray for little shelby. She sounds like she is handling it equally as well! :)
Anne said…
Megan, we are keeping you and your family in our prayers!!

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