It is going by soooooooooo fast! Even the days go by in a blink of an eye. And I am not the only one commenting on this fact! I feel like somethings going on! Weird! And lately, it seems a lot of others negativity and crabbiness is wearing off on me, and I am NOT liking it! I am fighting it tooth and nail it seems, the last couple of days...
I think I am winning.
I hope.
It's called prayer, perserverance, and a little gin and tonic.
Just kidding.
A little!
I guess I am just a little down because lately it seems some people are spitting to the wind at the blessings in their they're slapping them right in the face and saying, " Ha, ha!"
I mean, there are some that I know that should be down right grateful, thankful...praising God for what he's done for them, and it hasn't even been a thought.
Tom and I were talking the other night about how "dirt poor" we feel, but how blissfully happy we are at this stage of life with our kids and how we seem to get through everything with barely a whimper of anger. Pretty amazing...and I am so thankful that Tom and I communicate. Communicate respectfully, lovingly and with eachother's needs in mind, not necessarily our own.
I thank God a lot for him.
And not that we are perfect! Like today, I kept thinking..."He is going to help me sometime today with the kids, right??!!"
But then somedays I am so grateful for his help. You just never know what each day brings, it's struggles, it's surprises, it's blessings.
One thing I try to remember is that EACH day IS a Blessing. And that through Jesus, I am truly blessed with his saving Grace and Eternal Love!
I think I am winning.
I hope.
It's called prayer, perserverance, and a little gin and tonic.
Just kidding.
A little!
I guess I am just a little down because lately it seems some people are spitting to the wind at the blessings in their they're slapping them right in the face and saying, " Ha, ha!"
I mean, there are some that I know that should be down right grateful, thankful...praising God for what he's done for them, and it hasn't even been a thought.
Tom and I were talking the other night about how "dirt poor" we feel, but how blissfully happy we are at this stage of life with our kids and how we seem to get through everything with barely a whimper of anger. Pretty amazing...and I am so thankful that Tom and I communicate. Communicate respectfully, lovingly and with eachother's needs in mind, not necessarily our own.
I thank God a lot for him.
And not that we are perfect! Like today, I kept thinking..."He is going to help me sometime today with the kids, right??!!"
But then somedays I am so grateful for his help. You just never know what each day brings, it's struggles, it's surprises, it's blessings.
One thing I try to remember is that EACH day IS a Blessing. And that through Jesus, I am truly blessed with his saving Grace and Eternal Love!
Your email question intrigued me to my core...if you ever want...SHARE!!!