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baths and more baths! One of the things I am trying to do for Shelby to help her butt heal. Sometimes I just "hose" her down, but mostly I just try and let her soak. She likes it so far. I read that sometimes the sores can get so bad that even water hurts them. But Shelby does not seem to mind at all.
I had to bring all of the kdis to drop Brady off for preschool this morning. I haven't had to do it in awhile, but it went well, not wonderful, but better than I thought. He had so much fun today with a valentine's party, movie and popcorn!
I must admit, I'm feeling a little low today. Not horrible, but Shelby's sore is really overwhelming in regards to how much pain I know she's in. I am chosen not to cry myself now when I change her. I just do what I have to do when I change her and pick her up as soon as I can to comfort her. I feel like there has to be something better for her than what I'm doing, but the doctors don't seem to think so. She has another chiro appointment today and between that and the olive oil/garlic drops, I am hoping this will help solve her ear infection since I stopped the antibiotics. But, the chiro is also a little spendy, so I'm hoping our insurance will "step up" to the plate soon? I don't know. Insurance is frustrating! I paid close to 80 bucks yesterday for her appointment? Why do we have insurance? For it to not be helpful? Frustrating. I'm trying anything for her though, and I don't care what it costs!
Tom is gone all day today, working and then going to the college to do paperwork, financial aid and take his pre-entrance exams! So here I am! Suppose I should get used to it!


Megan..I am so sorry that money/insurance has to be part of your worries right now! It was part of ours as well when Finn was a baby...we did the chiro for about a year 3x/week at $35 a time...spendy for sure! But I heard just wednesday that Dr. Westerburg does adjustments for $25 a time and does not use insurance. So even without insruance it sounds like it might be cheaper...just a thought.
I have been checking all day...glad to see a post! Have been praying for you!

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