I must say that this last weekend was by far one of the busiest that I have encountered in a long time. It was Brady's Party weekend and I was super excited. But, let's recap the days... FRIDAY: Friday we all had doctor appointments. Brady and Halle had theirs schedules at 11:20 am and 11:40 am. We were running a little behind schedule, but not bad until I heard a knock on the bathroom door (I was trying to fit in a shower, silly me). Brady was crying and you know, the kind where they can't make a complete sentence. "I....money...tummy..." Me, "What?? You swallowed money?" Brady, "Yeaaaah uggh ahh awwwww...." So, I calmly said, "Ok, well, we're going to the doctor soon anyway, she'll make it better for you sweetie. Now mommy has to finish her shower, do you want to take a bath while you're in here?" Brady, "Yeaaah." So, I finished, hopped out and let my son take a bath, which cured the crying. Halle had been...