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Only two pictures for now....

Silly as it may sound, I just have these two photos right now. That I uploaded. Our computer had a lot, I mean, a lot of photos on it which made it run slow. So now I am scared to store them directly to the computer. So I have most of them on Snapfish. You used to be able to save them from snapfish and then put them on your site, well now you have to like pay 5 cents to do that...What? They're my pictures? Anyway, I am not so great with technology. So, I got these two from snapfish, and I'll put Shelby's up tomorrow. I'm tired after figuring that all out. Welcome back to the wild world of the internet Megan!


Kristen said…
I love how much they look alike!! :) Super cute! Can´t wait for more!
Ehlan said…
They are so adorable! I think you can just see Halloran's little personality in that picture!
Anonymous said…
Grrr...So THAT'S why I couldn't save my pics off Snapfish last week - they are CHARGING now?! That is so annoying! I know I used to be able to...thanks for the "fill-in". Your kids are too cute!

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