So with my first two children, I breastfed them until I went back to work (approx. 2 months) later, and felt pretty good about that! My work environment at the time wasn't a very private enough place to do the whole pumping thing there, and we couldn't take breaks off of campus. But now where I work, I've scoped out a place or two where I could pump and it would be quiet and private.
My goal is to nurse my last little bundle of joy for at least 8 months. Can I achieve this? What about those of you who nursed to a year, anyone? What are the positives and negatives? It will be nice because I will be half bottle, half mommy. That was another thing I felt with nursing was that I couldn't have someone help, didn't have that free moment when something else needed to be done, I just felt very exhausted of my resources. So, I like the bottle because it gives other people some sweet bonding time with my child...especially daddy!
It's just doing the pumping thing I guess at work that bugs me the most. But, I only work 3 days a week, so I know I can do it. And pumping only takes 7 -10 minutes or so. And is it completely true that you lose a ton of weight? A co-worker said that after the 6 month hump of nursing, his wife dropped even more weight without exercise, so basically from nursing and eating healthy.
Don't know how many mommy's read my blogs, but any advice helps!!
My goal is to nurse my last little bundle of joy for at least 8 months. Can I achieve this? What about those of you who nursed to a year, anyone? What are the positives and negatives? It will be nice because I will be half bottle, half mommy. That was another thing I felt with nursing was that I couldn't have someone help, didn't have that free moment when something else needed to be done, I just felt very exhausted of my resources. So, I like the bottle because it gives other people some sweet bonding time with my child...especially daddy!
It's just doing the pumping thing I guess at work that bugs me the most. But, I only work 3 days a week, so I know I can do it. And pumping only takes 7 -10 minutes or so. And is it completely true that you lose a ton of weight? A co-worker said that after the 6 month hump of nursing, his wife dropped even more weight without exercise, so basically from nursing and eating healthy.
Don't know how many mommy's read my blogs, but any advice helps!!
Also, I do both formula and breast milk for awhile...if I have troulbe getting enough pumped. So, thats an option too!
I see breastfeeding as a full time job--because even when you aren't with baby, you have to pump. And I hated pumping! Luckily, like you, I only work part time so I didn't have to pump a ton!! I don't know how much you pumped with the first 2, but be prepared that getting your body used to pumping can take some time. I had a hard time "letting down" when I pumped at first, and sometimes it would take me 20 min. I would advice starting to pump before you actually have to go back to work so your body is used to it.
Now this was maybe just me, but I didn't usually pump enough at one time for a full feeding, so I would often pump before I went to bed too (*when O was sleeping over 6 hrs. before eating) so I could add that to what I pumped during the day.
As for the weight, I did lost most of my weight without exercise...the down fall (for me...anyone else have this happen?) when I stopped, I gained about 5 lb. back! Annoying!
Okay, sorry for the long feedback. But I did LOVE nursing for as long as I did. A great resource is "The Nursing Mothers Companion"--Susan recommended it to me when I was having a tough time at the beginning. It's an awesome book--you can borrow mine if you want.
I'm done now.
I too always introduce a bottle with expressed milk early to get them used to it just in case....which required pumping. That for me, allows others toget involved too (especially daddy!).
Good luck with your decisions MEgan...your body and baby will tell you what to do!