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Busy Weekend!

It was definitely a busy weekend, but nice! The kids and I were outside alot, and it felt soooo good! I can tell that I am getting in to my nesting period before the baby comes, but it is not focused in the right areas. For instance. This weekend I cleaned both of our vehicles, inside and out. I re-raked the yard, basically meaning I moved piles around that I had raked a week earlier because I am waiting for my dear sweet husband to pick them up to load in to the truck to take to his parents house. Which I might add is just across the street (yes, little "Everybody Loves Raymond" type feel, but I do love my in-laws)! I've picked up sticks, pulled weeds and brushed the dog. I have not, however, done much with the nursery!!!!

I did get one small task started, not finished, and that was moving most of Halloran's clothes out of the nursery in to her and Brady's room. But she still has many lingering items in her old room! I still have to convince my husband to go under the stairs to get the newborn baby clothes out and washed (just in case) and do a good thorough cleaning of the actual room and furniture. So somehow I need to FOCUS! If I had like 6 hours kid free in that house, Man! I could do some awesome things!


It was a good weekend. A lot of family time and fresh air! We also went on the MS Walk for my sister-n-law who was diagnosed a couple of years ago. She's 37 years old, 2 boys 5 and 3, and she is such a trooper! It was a gorgeous day and I got through the two-mile walk just fine, I knew I would, but everyone is like "Are you sure you should be walking?" I'm like, I do way more strenuous work at home throughout the day with my kids and everything, that just strictly going for a walk is not a big deal!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we spent the middle of the day at my dad's (they had Halloran while we went to the walk) and we made the first maiden voyage on his pontoon for this Spring, and the kids had a blast!!

So, it was a nice a weekend. My emotions are still all over the place lately, but I am trying to manage them better!! So...yeah!


Miss said…
I ALWAYS spend time doing tons of stuff that I shouldnt be doing and little time doing the things I SHOULD!! =)
Ehlan said…
Same here!!! Or I just don't do much of anything. ;) I feel lazy this week...

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