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Potty training my last babe, searching for jobs, crazy schedules....Life.

Beautiful big snowflakes float slowly onto the busy highway as I make my return trip home from work. The 38 mile journey home will take me a little longer this evening. Many times on my way home, I take the time to reflect on the chaotic beauty of my life and ponder the importantance of where I am at in my present moment in time.

I am potty training my 3rd, and last child. Shelby will be 3 in May, and....whoa. Yes, I said Shelby will be 3 in May! The last time I posted, light years ago, I was potty training Halloran! Anyway, Shelby has been ready for quite some time, it was her mother (that's me), that was not. She is doing brilliantly, and by summer will be completely done with any form of store brand diapers. Wow!

Our life in the last couple of years has, been, well a rollercoaster of finances, no work, career changes, college, unfathomable work schedules, move to a new home, and many other hurdles, blessings and chaos that have ocurred.

So, as I drove home last night from work, after watching a woman who I "help" with Mental Health issues bash her head through her bedroom wall, beg me to let her "die", and 3 hours later have her try and eat the sheet rock from the crumbling hole in the wall I thought...Thank you Lord. Thank you, that even though some days I feel like I am frustrated, or wonder why certain struggles are present in my life, that at least I am able to overcome them, move forward and praise Him. Because, there are some people, that for whatever genetic, disease, or bad wiring connection; cannot comprehend what it is like to have a family, kiss their husband, smile, enjoy the sunshine, sleep soundly, feel loved, share a hug and so on and so forth.

So in this life of mine, this life I was given, well....I am truly blessed. That even though I have to struggle through my day at work, paste a smile on my face, the truth of it all is that I get to go home. I get to go home to a LIFE! And it's all mine and it is beautiful because of the people and purpose that surrounds it!!


Anonymous said…
I absolutely LOVE your writing Megs. You truly have a beautiful family and a beautiful life...amidst all the chaos you guys have been through the past couple years!
Megan, SO beautifully said. These are things I ask Him to keep in my mind on a daily basis (sometimes I need the reminders hourly). To keep a smile on my face and remind me how positive life is...even in the messy. Thanks for sharing..and coming back to the blogosphere!

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