It is going by soooooooooo fast! Even the days go by in a blink of an eye. And I am not the only one commenting on this fact! I feel like somethings going on! Weird! And lately, it seems a lot of others negativity and crabbiness is wearing off on me, and I am NOT liking it! I am fighting it tooth and nail it seems, the last couple of days... I think I am winning. I hope. It's called prayer, perserverance, and a little gin and tonic. Just kidding. A little! Anyway... I guess I am just a little down because lately it seems some people are spitting to the wind at the blessings in their they're slapping them right in the face and saying, " Ha, ha!" I mean, there are some that I know that should be down right grateful, thankful...praising God for what he's done for them, and it hasn't even been a thought. Tom and I were talking the other night about how "dirt poor" we feel, but how blissfully happy we are at this stage of life with our kids an...
Living. Loving. Laughing.