Was born on March 25th, 2005 at 10:51 am. He weighed 5 lbs. 15 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long.
It was a gorgeous day that day, althought I hardly remember the scenery. I remember waking up sometime in the middle of the night to, ehhm, pee and thought it was weird that I had appeared to have already, yep, gone. Ha ha ha ha...but seeing as how tired I was, I changed my umentionables (panties, underwear) and threw a towel over my side of the bed so I didn't have to wake up Tom and went back to sleep until 6 am when Tom got up for work. I was feeling a little crampy and told him to keep his phone close. Seeing that this was our first time, and my due date wasn't until April 2nd, Tom said, "Ok, but I'm sure it's nothing honey." Because you see, with your first one, your due date, in your mind, is when you are going to have your baby. Maybe a couple of days before, but definitely not any sooner than that.
It was a gorgeous day that day, althought I hardly remember the scenery. I remember waking up sometime in the middle of the night to, ehhm, pee and thought it was weird that I had appeared to have already, yep, gone. Ha ha ha ha...but seeing as how tired I was, I changed my umentionables (panties, underwear) and threw a towel over my side of the bed so I didn't have to wake up Tom and went back to sleep until 6 am when Tom got up for work. I was feeling a little crampy and told him to keep his phone close. Seeing that this was our first time, and my due date wasn't until April 2nd, Tom said, "Ok, but I'm sure it's nothing honey." Because you see, with your first one, your due date, in your mind, is when you are going to have your baby. Maybe a couple of days before, but definitely not any sooner than that.
*Sidenote: I really had not peed, I had started leaking amniotic fluid!! I realized this much later that day...
So I laid in bed for a little while longer, but since my "cramping" was not allowing me to sleep in on that glorious sunny morning, I thought, "Well, I might as well get up and get ready." So I hopped ( well, not really hopped, but walked, I mean waddled to the bathroom) and got in to the shower. As I was putting on my make up, I realized that I was having a hard time getting through the process because of my "cramps" (aka contractions, but I thought they were cramps) and I kept feeling like I had to, Ok, I'll say it...poop. Finally I call the clinic and tell them what is going on, and they said, "You should definitely come in, it sounds like you are having contractions."
WHAT?! No I'm not, I'm cramping, right? I thought to myself. But I quickly got dressed and try calling Tom. And then I try calling Tom again. And again. And again! Aww man, really? So I get my already packed suitcase ( I was very proud of myself after this, that I had listened and packed my suitcase a month early!), get it down the stairs...and that's all the further I got it because the pain from my "cramps" ( I was still telling myself that this is what they were, not contractions silly nurse), was crippling me from lifting my suitcase! So I just hop in the car where Tom finally calls me back and I tell him what's going on. Luckily, he was working in Blaine at the time, so he was going to make it back soon!
I call my sister and mom and let them know, as I am on the phone with my sis', I have a hard time talking a couple of times due to the pain. She was living in the cities at the time, and she said, " I'm coming!"
So anyway, I got to the hospital at almost 8 am. I was at a 4 and made it to an 8 when I asked to get an epidural. I had tried a bath and back rubbing at this point and needed some relief! I got the epidural and started pushing shortly afterwards. I pushed awhile, about an hour and fifteen minutes and then it happened! He was here! Brady Eugene Bergman! Ohh, he was so beautiful and teeny!
Who knew that little boy would give me a run for my money for the next two months of tears, happiness and sleepless nights. But it was so worth it. He is an amazing boy, so caring and funny and compassionate! I just love him to pieces...and now he is FOUR!
So I laid in bed for a little while longer, but since my "cramping" was not allowing me to sleep in on that glorious sunny morning, I thought, "Well, I might as well get up and get ready." So I hopped ( well, not really hopped, but walked, I mean waddled to the bathroom) and got in to the shower. As I was putting on my make up, I realized that I was having a hard time getting through the process because of my "cramps" (aka contractions, but I thought they were cramps) and I kept feeling like I had to, Ok, I'll say it...poop. Finally I call the clinic and tell them what is going on, and they said, "You should definitely come in, it sounds like you are having contractions."
WHAT?! No I'm not, I'm cramping, right? I thought to myself. But I quickly got dressed and try calling Tom. And then I try calling Tom again. And again. And again! Aww man, really? So I get my already packed suitcase ( I was very proud of myself after this, that I had listened and packed my suitcase a month early!), get it down the stairs...and that's all the further I got it because the pain from my "cramps" ( I was still telling myself that this is what they were, not contractions silly nurse), was crippling me from lifting my suitcase! So I just hop in the car where Tom finally calls me back and I tell him what's going on. Luckily, he was working in Blaine at the time, so he was going to make it back soon!
I call my sister and mom and let them know, as I am on the phone with my sis', I have a hard time talking a couple of times due to the pain. She was living in the cities at the time, and she said, " I'm coming!"
So anyway, I got to the hospital at almost 8 am. I was at a 4 and made it to an 8 when I asked to get an epidural. I had tried a bath and back rubbing at this point and needed some relief! I got the epidural and started pushing shortly afterwards. I pushed awhile, about an hour and fifteen minutes and then it happened! He was here! Brady Eugene Bergman! Ohh, he was so beautiful and teeny!
Who knew that little boy would give me a run for my money for the next two months of tears, happiness and sleepless nights. But it was so worth it. He is an amazing boy, so caring and funny and compassionate! I just love him to pieces...and now he is FOUR!
Oh and, I am going to start going lap swimming too! I have been wanting to start for a while and Ryan and I finally figured out so I can go Friday mornings. Do you go then??