I'm going to be an Auntie to my very own Sister's baby that is currently baking at the right temperature, in it's very own mommy oven! I am soooooo excited!! They've been trying for a few months now, and I was getting a little sad, because each month I would hound her until Aunt Flo would come and steal my joy away...
I know it is not always like this for everyone, but when Tom and I would try to get pregnant, we would, that first month of trying. So I guess I just expected that to happen for her. It didn't, and with all of the stories and people I know with infertility, I got nervous! It really taught me that I need to trust in the Lord more, in His plan, not ours. And my sister's faith is very inspiring as well. She went in to the whole thing with the Big Picture in mind. That if it didn't work, then they would adopt...whatever God led them to do. Would she be a little disappointed if they could not get pregnant?? Yeah! Of course! I am just so proud of her though for putting her faith in Jesus. I am so glad the God decided to bless them with the opportunity to become pregnant though!! With that story, and everything else that is going on in the world today, I think of how, when a girl is trying to conceive a baby, that there are far worse things than not becoming pregnant. Although, I say this already having given birth to 3 children. I am sure my perspective would be far different if I could not conceive. I wish we could have the perspective of the bigger picture. Like the story I heard the other day of wars in Africa where the parents are made to watch their children's throats being cut in front of their very own eyes. The same eyes that saw them the day the entered this very world. I wept. Jesus wept.
Or the Walmart employee on the East Coast that was trampled to death when he went to open the door on Black Friday for the early bird doorbusters. Or the soldiers who have died in Iraq leaving grieving family members behind. Or the hundreds of girls being raped as I write this blog. Or the millions of people starving.
Wow, this went in a way different direction. I'm just saying, throughout the years, God is constantly trying to show me humility, compassion, understanding, and the many ways in which he has blessed me. I have never starved, even when I have not had a lot of money. I have never been raped. My children are safe. I have my freedom of religous persecution. I could go on FOREVER of all my blessings. And my list of dark times in my life, I could probably count on one hand.
So, I am thankful I could bear children, and that my sister now can. But in reality, if I could not, that would not be the end of the world for me, or my sister. For there are millions of kids here and around the world that need a home. Would it take awhile to adopt one? Yes. Would it cost money? Yes. Would it mean I would love a child and in return, be living out Jesus's legacy to help the less fortunate, and love all of his people? Yes. I hope one day, I will be able to adopt. But for now, I will hug the ones he has blessed me with for the time being, teach them about Jesus and his love, and each day live as if we do not have tomorrow and make my Jesus proud.
Congratulations my dear, beautiful sister. I love you with all of my heart, and I am so thankful that we are blessed with a good life, one with Jesus. May Jesus bless the baby growing inside of you in so many ways, He has already by making you it's Mommy.
Love, Megan
I know it is not always like this for everyone, but when Tom and I would try to get pregnant, we would, that first month of trying. So I guess I just expected that to happen for her. It didn't, and with all of the stories and people I know with infertility, I got nervous! It really taught me that I need to trust in the Lord more, in His plan, not ours. And my sister's faith is very inspiring as well. She went in to the whole thing with the Big Picture in mind. That if it didn't work, then they would adopt...whatever God led them to do. Would she be a little disappointed if they could not get pregnant?? Yeah! Of course! I am just so proud of her though for putting her faith in Jesus. I am so glad the God decided to bless them with the opportunity to become pregnant though!! With that story, and everything else that is going on in the world today, I think of how, when a girl is trying to conceive a baby, that there are far worse things than not becoming pregnant. Although, I say this already having given birth to 3 children. I am sure my perspective would be far different if I could not conceive. I wish we could have the perspective of the bigger picture. Like the story I heard the other day of wars in Africa where the parents are made to watch their children's throats being cut in front of their very own eyes. The same eyes that saw them the day the entered this very world. I wept. Jesus wept.
Or the Walmart employee on the East Coast that was trampled to death when he went to open the door on Black Friday for the early bird doorbusters. Or the soldiers who have died in Iraq leaving grieving family members behind. Or the hundreds of girls being raped as I write this blog. Or the millions of people starving.
Wow, this went in a way different direction. I'm just saying, throughout the years, God is constantly trying to show me humility, compassion, understanding, and the many ways in which he has blessed me. I have never starved, even when I have not had a lot of money. I have never been raped. My children are safe. I have my freedom of religous persecution. I could go on FOREVER of all my blessings. And my list of dark times in my life, I could probably count on one hand.
So, I am thankful I could bear children, and that my sister now can. But in reality, if I could not, that would not be the end of the world for me, or my sister. For there are millions of kids here and around the world that need a home. Would it take awhile to adopt one? Yes. Would it cost money? Yes. Would it mean I would love a child and in return, be living out Jesus's legacy to help the less fortunate, and love all of his people? Yes. I hope one day, I will be able to adopt. But for now, I will hug the ones he has blessed me with for the time being, teach them about Jesus and his love, and each day live as if we do not have tomorrow and make my Jesus proud.
Congratulations my dear, beautiful sister. I love you with all of my heart, and I am so thankful that we are blessed with a good life, one with Jesus. May Jesus bless the baby growing inside of you in so many ways, He has already by making you it's Mommy.
Love, Megan