6 lbs. 5 oz. , 19.5 inches long
May 30th, 2008 10:52 pm
I just want you all to know that everything went picture perfect. She's beautiful, she's healthy and she's very content. I don't have a ton of pictures yet, my mom took pictures during delivery and I took some today when we got home, but since we don't have internet at home now, it will be slow coming!
I had my membranes stripped at 9:45 am on Friday. Afterwards, Tom and I went to Walmart, Applebees's, my sister's classroom to help move some stuff (I supervised... I was a little sore), and then home. I took a nap and Tom started getting ready for supper. His 4 hour long, grilled ribs...and that is how the story begins!
So we keep joking that I am going to go during his first trial run with the ribs. This starts at around 3:30 pm. Then, we run out of propane and start all over again around 5pm. And that, my friends is when the contractions begin! They started out inconsistently and by 6pm I thought this could be it. Our neighbors come over to join us for some conversation and dinner, and aroun 6:30pm I'm thinkin', I don't think this is a joke anymore. By 7:15, after Tom's best efforts to get the ribs on the table for us to eat before we go in (did I mention I was totally not hungry throughout this whole process...poor guy), we explain to our neighbors who encourage us to go to the hospital and that they'll stay until Tom's mom get's there, that they can eat, here's the kids stuff for bedtime and we'll give you a call as soon as we know anything...and thanks a ton.
So let's just say, we get there aroun 8:20pm, I've already called my mom and sister and told them it's the real deal and get your butts in there, and I had my baby (which Tom pulled out w/ assisstance from midwife and yes, mine was there that night "thank you God") at 10:52pm and Tom said "It's a Girl!!!!!!!!!!!"
So she's here she's perfect and I am so in love and feelin' pretty good!! Thank you all for your support and sorry for the suspense!!!!
Congrats. can't wait for more pics.
We're all hoping so!!!!