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Showing posts from March, 2008

Brady turns 3!

He wanted waffles for his here we are! He's three!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look what Nana and Papa got me! Halle played more with the work bench than Brady did! Then he warmed up to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then he got a fever 1 hour later..................why me?? Hopefully he's feeling better by his party on Saturday!!!

Halloran's First Birthday Party

Hi Everyone! What's in here! She loves this big pink ball! She dove right in! I think I like this stuff! She loved getting messy more than anything! Look at me! Daddy gave me a bath...don't know why?

Birthday pics

Breakfast Pancake!! She's number one...she's number one! Halle attempting to open her gift...but she loves the bow. Lovin' her new baby doll! And her hot pink squishy ball thingy!

Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire..

My BABY is ONE!! Little Halloran, is one today! So, about 5 1/2 hours earlier, at 3:51 am, there was my beautiful baby girl! Around 11pm that night, I was just not falling asleep! I was having contractions, but I was totally trying to ignore them. HISTORY: I had 3 episodes of preterm labor with little Halloran around 31, 32, and 34 weeks and was put on a two week modified bed rest. I got throught the bed rest and had gone back to work for about a week . Finally, around 1:45 am, I told Tom he should probably call our neighbor Katie and have her come over, because these contractions were not going away. Poor guy (and neigbor), had gone through this routine twice, in snow storms in the middle of the night a few weeks ago!! But, like the great man he is, he got out of bed and called. We got to the hospital around 2:15am, my water broke about 20-30 minutes later, got my epidural and I was ready to push! In fact as soon as I got the epidural, my midwife checked me and she was like, "Wel...


So... Halloran had a double ear infection! After puking Friday night and Saturday night, I thought it was time to bring her in... Don't you just love Same Day Clinic?? Two and a half hours later I get the diagnosis that took us two minutes, well, not even, to get to. Two minutes, no more like 1 minute 3 seconds. At least Halle was having a good time there. Her new word is "Hi" but it looks and sounds more like"HIIIIIIIIIaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh"! So freakin cute! So of course she had to show everyone there that she's such a big girl now and say hello. It was really nice though, because I gave her the medicine in the car before we drove home, because, I knew she was going to crash! On the way home I called my sister, bawling (I'm really good at that lately), and vented on how frustrating it is having a sick child like literally once a month and blah blah blah! Courtney, knowing we still had to go birthday shopping for the kids, said, "I'll be over i...

Sick again....

Little Halloran is sick again! Last night she woke up puking. She puked twice in an hour and half, and then by some miracle, slept all night. So, I guess Brady thought he'd keep me in the reality of it all, and decided to wake up 4 times. Seriously, I cannot even remember the last time he woke up in the middle of the night! What are the chances! This morning her fever broke and she was herself again! After her nap was a whole other story! She woke up hot again with a 103.1 degree temp and threw up! I got some medicine to stay in hre tummy and her fever came down a bit and you could tell she felt better. She ate a couple crackers ans she has been sleeping now since 8pm! 2 hours down 8 hours to go! Wish me luck and a lot of prayer! She has been sick almost every month since she was born! She'll be a year next week!

Feeling much better!

Ok, so after talking to my husband and sister and getting some feedback on my dilemma from others, here's what I have come to terms with: 1. The statements my co-worker made me feel like crying because in reality, there was some truth to what he said. 2. Although, if I don't feel comfortable being around the "lonely man", then if I can, I should not have to sit with him if I don't have to. 3. Pray. I should not let what others say about me to hurt me so badly, especially when they don't know me well. 4. I'm pregnant. I need to filter the thoughts in my head before they reach my mouth. (I always forget that one...) 5. Next time, I need to address the issue right away and let the co-worker know that what they say may have offended me, or been a little too much. In a nice way of course, and pray about the words that I need to use. 6. Pray. Thanks for the feedback. I love that people can be so ho...

Any Ideas?

I had a really unsettling day at work today. First, I was running late. I usually have like 15 minutes of down time before the girl who watches my children shows up. But since I had showered last night, I let myself sleep in a bit longer. WELL, that totally blew up in my face and I was running late. But my boss and co-workers are flexible when anyone is late (my boss fully admits that she is always 10-15 minutes late at least 3x's a week and has no kids...). So we were going to a meeting in St. Cloud, so I thought I would stop and pick up some muffins. They were out of reduced fat muffins, because I know most of my co-workers are trying to heat healthy ie: 1 is on weight watchers, 1 has protein shakes and eats very healthy and so on), but I thought what the heck, they'll take a muffin this once. Nope. So that made my efforts feel empty, but no hurt feelings. I guess more for me!! So then I'll give you a quick background on a guy who offices the next office down from us who ...

Super Tired!

I feel very exhausted today, but it was worth it. Yesterday I didn't sit for more than a half an hour. I did a lot of cleaning around the house. I got loads and loads of laundry done. I was going to take a picture of how much I did yesterday, washed, dried, folded and put away, but then I thought I might embarass myself so I decided against it! I then actually cleaned our laundry room. It's the one room in our house that I hate the most. We have an older home, and the laundry room stayed true to the home in that it is like a cave with scary metal contraptions in there, water pipes, and air ducts. Cobwebs are hard to keep up with and one time, I even saw a mouse fall from the ceiling. -Story time: My cat had been attacked by an animal on one of it's many adventures in it's nine lives that, I am sorry to report, came to an end this summer via another attack. Anyway, he went to the vet and came home with a halo thingy and creme, which did not of course keep the gaping wou...

Fun times at Children's Museum!

Brady's checkin' out a toy bat! Pretty Cool! Halloran had a blast at the Children's Museum!

Multiple Sclerosis and my Sister-n-Law

My 37 year old sister-n-law was diagnosed with MS about two years ago. She is a very strong woman, with two boys, 3 and 5 years old, and a husband. She doesn't talk about it much. She wants us all to go on with life like she is the same Heidi she always has been. Which on the outside right now, is easy to do because there are no true signs to the average person that there is anything wrong with her. I guess it is her way of coping with the inevitable at this point. That is why I will be participating in an MS Walk on May 4th to help raise money for her, and so many others, in the fight for a cure for MS. Yes, I will be almost 9 months pregnant, so I am also hoping that it will help me in furthering the progession of my labor at that time (just a side note). So, if you would like to offer a donation, or wish me luck, feel free to do so. Something that would also be even more appreciated than those two options, is prayers for her to be able to deal with the road ahead. Thank you! htt...

Yucky Day

Today I am feeling just a little yucky all over. When I get bigger during my pregnancey, I tend to get lightheaded in the morning after breakfast. Then it takes me super long to get ready because I have to keep sitting down and yadda, yadda, yadda. My patience level lowers and I get crabby within seconds. I really don't want to go to work! I have to work late tonight and I am just not looking forward to it. If I could perk up I know it wouldn't be so bad! I think I need to go do some praying!!! P.S. I hope you could sense the whininess in my voice...I'd give myself an 8.5 on presentation....

My favorite shizoprhenic

"Roses are Red, Violets are blue, I'm a schizoprhenic, ... and so am I." ~ Bill Murray in What About Bob I worked as direct care staff in our very own State Hospital here in Cambridge, Mn for about 4 years. The entire time I worked with a man who has schizophrenia, I'll call him Mr. Peterson. Mr. Peterson, my first day working, I was 19 years old, was physically held down by staff 13 times. Number one, that is a lot of times on an 8 hour shift, and number two, well, the number 13...not a good number. I used to think he was posessed by demons and then later had been told by another staff, "Nope, that's what we call a classic example of a schizo." Over the years here are the things this man did to me: put poop (yes his own) on the door knobs of our office, threw poop through our little office/medication window, slapped me in the face, jammed a phone in my mouth, slapped me some more, made me (by his behavior) take him down after his bath (so yea...

My 11 month old...

is starting to walk!! She is taking a couple of steps and honestly, this scares the poop right out of me! She is a tazmanian devil as a crawler and can turn my house upside down already. What kind of damage am I to expect when she startes walking for real!! I am so nervous. My son Brady was never like Halloran! We never had to childproof the house, gates (what are those?). Halloran on the other hand; I feel like we should bubble wrap the house, have a blow up bath tub and I should vaccum, sweep, and make sure my dog eats every last bite of her dog food, because Halloran puts every little thing, or big thing, in her mouth! But oh man, she is the cutest, most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes upon. She has the best baby laugh and still likes to cuddle with me. I love that girl.

Doctor Visit

Well, I had a Dr. visit today where they do the gluclose screening and I am an O- for blood type so I get a Rogham shot as well during this visit. Usually this visit can be long and dreadful, but with this pregnancy, I was very relaxed! I had no children with, my neighbor watched them, and I brought a book. Everything went smoothly. The Lab Tech did a great job with my blood draw, which I don't know how many times I've looked straight at the picture of the deer in front of me the last 3 1/2 years, and I actually like the Orange flavored glucola that you have to drink!! I know, I'm nuts. My visits with Susan (my midwife) are always hilarious and sometimes I feel like I have my own free comedy show about every 4 weeks. For some reason chatting with another woman about husbands, birth, IUD's, vagina pains, vericose veins, an inservice on how to wear your "normal" jeans longer with a rubber band, husbands, weight, acne, and husbands is just more hilarious when you...