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Showing posts from January, 2008

My Body is a Temple?

My Body is a Temple. I have heard this before in church many times. On Sunday it was discussed again at church. During the service, my husband kept tapping me on the arm. "He's talking about you...", he would say. Yes, my whole life I have struggling with self image issues. I've usually been pretty content with my weight (until I get pregnant), but it has always been my skin that seems to be from some sort of alien being. My "blemishes" as I like to refer to them, have been mild through school, but become completely unmanageable when I am pregnant. My face literally hurts from the monstrosities that permeate my pores all over. And, it gets 10 times worse after my children are born, which in vain, I stop breastfeeding after two months and go on antibiotics and cremes from my dermatologist to try and speed up the recovery of my war beaten face. But then, guilt comes pouring over me because I tell myself my kids are more important and I should have nursed them...

A Personality Test: What Should You Be When You Grow UP?

You Should Be a Teacher You are patient, optimistic, and good at explaining things. You work well with all types of people, and you are a good role model. Success and positive outcomes are extremely important to you. You are both a good leader and instructor. People look up to and depend on you. You do best when you: - Can see the results of your work - Are able to teach someone a new skill You would also be a good nurse or non fiction writer. What Should You Be When You Grow Up?

My 5 year anniversary!

Today is my five year anniversary. First, I will talk about anniversarys past. I think one had been spent at a bed and breakfast. Others at fancy restaraunts and shopping. One year I got a gorgeous necklace with one single pearl and aquamarine stone that adorned it. Do you want to know how it has evolved. Today so far, I got the kids up and ready for daycare, as usual. Next, I called Tom quick on the way to work, where he answered the phone by saying, "Happy Anniversary...haha, beat you to it." Next I did some work and went to meeting that I got pulled out of due to a client crisis in Mille Lacs County. We have to go up to Milaca to assess the situation, so I quick ran my vehicle over to my sister's work, and sway vehicles so she can pick my kids up from daycare. So then, I'm hoping that the assessment does not take long, so I can get back to town by 4:30pm so that I can pick Tom up at home and make it to our ultrasound appointment at 5:15pm (I had originally thought...

I wrote this before Christmas

In Rememberance. 9:44am Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007 Aaaahh. The Holiday Season is now upon us. It crept up like a tiger spotting it's prey. It comes quiet and swift, ready for the kill, but patient and very cunning is the Holiday Season. Like a tiger. Strange. It's strange how the Holiday Season was meant for joy, peace, love and hope. Yet for most, it is a dreadful reminder of pain, hurt and a time where old or new memories are rekindled. It is a time where our country is at war and some, are at war with their own demons. There are few who go through the Holiday Season with out a care in the world. It is a constant source of refueling for them. Pretty paper, joyful music and hugs, kisses and happy sounds all around. For some it is wondering if there will be food on the table, disapointments and heartache. I have learned through they years, to still enjoy the happy times of the Holiday Season. I have learned that life deals you different cards and it is how you play them t...

You know what I love? Soccer....

Well, here it is. My new outlet on life. A way to get it all out there. My new journal to deter from the cutting down of more trees so I can write on pages with callused fingers stained with black or blue ink. So exciting. I never get a chance to really "think" anymore and express real life events that are happening to me or happening around me. I love having a family and having the chaotic wondrous experiences that follow. But then, at times, I forget about myself. I forget about my thoughts, knowledge, capabilities, dreams, hopes and passions of life. You know what I love?? Soccer. Getting up early in the morning, putting on shinguards that smell of sweet sweat and grass. Wearing a t-shirt or jersey that you've owned for years and no matter how many times you wash it, it still smells of golden sunshine. The scent of the grass as you warm up your muscles, laying on your back and staring up at the sky as the billowing clouds roll by above you. The perfect kick. When your ...