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Showing posts from February, 2013

Diet Coke, Coffee, and Candy

With trying to eat better, and remembering I am not perfect, I have tried to cut back on many different things. I wanted to start weeding out the things that I tend to eat or drink the most of during an average week. I have stopped drinking coffee for about 4 weeks now! I know coffee is not like drop dead terrible for you, but I wanted to replace it with something that offered something more than just caffeine to my system, so I switched back to tea, which thankfully I enjoy as well. I used to drink one diet coke a day, and sometimes two on the weekends. I have now dropped that to once a week. I once went 46 days without a diet coke, so I know I can wean completely off of it, but I wanted to take it slow, I mean come on, let's not go crazy all at once right? Ha ha! And then there is candy, sweet, delicious, sugar induced coma....candy. I think, at least nearly every day, I probably consumed some type of candy each day. I can safely say that I have drastically cut back on the can...

Raw Foods, Reality Eating, and Relapse

Obsessions can consume you entirely. Some are healthy when in reasonable limits, and some can lead to crazy downward psycho spirals like in Fatal Attraction. Luckily for me, I don't have to worry about the Fatal Attraction type. As of late, I have been super consumed (teehee, literally) with becoming more educated in the world of Superfoods, Raw food dieting, Veganism, and just plain old eating healthy. I have been watching documentary after documentary on these topics. My two favorites are The Beautiful Truth which is on Netflix or Youtube. This documents one boys assignment for a school report, finding out more about The Gerson Therapy, a Therapy developed in the Mid 1900's by a Dr. Max Gerson. My other favorite is FoodMatters. I just finished reading a book, 7 Days on the Raw Food Diet, and I am currently tackling, The Gerson Therapy.             Whoa. Let us back up the trolley a bit. Where did this new obsession begin you ask? Well hone...