Yep. Tuesday I turned 27!!! It wasn't so bad. In fact I spent the day in pure relax mode. I awoke on a beautiful Tuesday morning to a light breeze that caressed my face and sunshine that soaked in to my pores and warmed my soul. I turned over in bed and looked at the clock. WHAT? It was seven in the morning. Shelby's first homemade birthday present to her mother. "Thank you Shelby!" I exclaimed. As I got out of bed, I mosied on up the staircase, and straight ahead of me was a little note, in black permanent marker..."Happy Birthday Megan. I love you very much! ~Love Tom." Aaaww.
The rest of my day went well. I did some laundry, played with the kids, made meals, and talked on the phone. But to start the day out like I did was very wonderful. The kids were great and I felt so content.
That night my mom watched the kids and Tom and I went out. I chose the Green Iguana in North Branch. It's this cute little Mexican Restaraunt. I love their food, but I mostly love the atmosphere. When you walk in you can totally escape and pretend you are in Mexico. It is super bright and colorful and they great you with a huge smile on their face. This time I was greeted before we even got in the door by the owner, "Look at my new toy!" (he points to the boxer porshce convertible sitting outside the door). "Oh, I thought you were someone else.Sorry!", he says in his happy spanish accent.
So 3 enchiladas, 3 margaritas and one shot of tequila (on the house for my birthday), later, I was feeling slightly intoxicated. But, I had a great time! It felt, for a moment, like a date with Tom pre-kids. It was fun and so nice to be out, just the two of us!
So, that was my birthday! And yes, if any are wondering, around 2 am I felt like puking, but I drank some water and went back to bed and slept till 7 am. And then I was fine.
The rest of my day went well. I did some laundry, played with the kids, made meals, and talked on the phone. But to start the day out like I did was very wonderful. The kids were great and I felt so content.
That night my mom watched the kids and Tom and I went out. I chose the Green Iguana in North Branch. It's this cute little Mexican Restaraunt. I love their food, but I mostly love the atmosphere. When you walk in you can totally escape and pretend you are in Mexico. It is super bright and colorful and they great you with a huge smile on their face. This time I was greeted before we even got in the door by the owner, "Look at my new toy!" (he points to the boxer porshce convertible sitting outside the door). "Oh, I thought you were someone else.Sorry!", he says in his happy spanish accent.
So 3 enchiladas, 3 margaritas and one shot of tequila (on the house for my birthday), later, I was feeling slightly intoxicated. But, I had a great time! It felt, for a moment, like a date with Tom pre-kids. It was fun and so nice to be out, just the two of us!
So, that was my birthday! And yes, if any are wondering, around 2 am I felt like puking, but I drank some water and went back to bed and slept till 7 am. And then I was fine.