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Showing posts from August, 2008

Last day!

Oh, by the way! Today is my last day of work! They had a potluck for me, and everyone had such nice things to say! I am really going to miss the people I work with and work for. The other day in Walmart, I saw an owner of one of the group homes we had gone in to to help one of their clients. We did a lot of work with him. He would headlock people and get very anxious, was very, to the T, routine. He did so well, with us! Anyway, I said hi to her and asked how things were going. She said great! She then said, "Thanks again for your help." And for the first time, really, I felt good about the job I have been doing. I hadn't really felt that before. So today when I came in to work, I really thought I was going to feel no emotion towards the part of leaving the workforce. But I sat here and was a little sad that this was the last day I would be helping the people that used this service. I will also miss the people in my office. They have always been wonderful, with words of ...

It was my birthday!

Yep. Tuesday I turned 27!!! It wasn't so bad. In fact I spent the day in pure relax mode. I awoke on a beautiful Tuesday morning to a light breeze that caressed my face and sunshine that soaked in to my pores and warmed my soul. I turned over in bed and looked at the clock. WHAT? It was seven in the morning. Shelby's first homemade birthday present to her mother. " Thank you Shelby!" I exclaimed. As I got out of bed, I mosied on up the staircase, and straight ahead of me was a little note, in black permanent marker..."Happy Birthday Megan. I love you very much! ~Love Tom." Aaaww. The rest of my day went well. I did some laundry, played with the kids, made meals, and talked on the phone. But to start the day out like I did was very wonderful. The kids were great and I felt so content. That night my mom watched the kids and Tom and I went out. I chose the Green Iguana in North Branch. It's this cute little Mexican Restaraunt. I love their food, but I most...

Shelby doing what she does best...

Some fun pics of the kids...

Brady and Shelby What Mom? Havin' too much fun! Brady wants a motorcycle sooooo bad! Oh great...

"Running just as fast as we can...."

I love that song, it continues, "....holding on to one anothers hand. Trying to get away in to the night and then you put your arms around me as we tumble to the ground and then you say, I thinnk we're alone now, there doesn't seem to be anyone around. I think we're alone now, the beating of our hearts is the only sound...." I love that song! Songs make me soooo happy! I went running again on Saturday, and I listen to some funky Nelly Furtado on my run and then my cool down is some relax rockin' U2. It is so freeing to be out there running alone, well, I bring my dog, but you know what I mean. The sun is shining, I know I am doing something good for myself, and it's just me and my music. But cue the evil villian music...I hurt my hip. I am now officially getting old. So now I'm sad because I can't exercise until it feels better, and so I am soooooo bummed because I'm on a streak! Uggghhhhh! ***Change of subject**** My in-laws, are not excited...


I was up last night twice after working until 9pm. I had to get up at 1am and 4am. I know you are thinking that I was just saying that Shelby was now sleeping through the night. She is. It wasn't Shelby. It was my 3 year old. "Mommy, I have to pee." And again "Mommy, I have to go potty." And then following the second urination incident it was: "Mommy, can I sleep with you? Did I? Yep. Did he sleep. No. Am I tired. You bet your britches I am....

I suppose an update...

Shelby! I suppose I should update on my little bundle while I'm taking my second break of the day (yes, I'm at work, but not for long!). She's doing great! She is almost 11 weeks! She's probably nearing 12 1bs, she's smiling, cooing, and watching movements with her eyes and focusing in on our faces. For a while there, when we would talk to her, she would look the other way. We'd laugh because we were like, "Oh fine then, don't look at me when I'm talking to you." Brady, my 3 year old, took it to heart that she would not look him in the eye. "Mom, why won't Shelby look at me. Doesn't she like me?" Mom: "Of course she likes you honey she's just shy!" She is also sleeping from about 9pm until 5am. She's been doing that for almost two weeks now. There have been a couple nights that have been different, but 6-8 hours in a row is awesome! The other night she slept from 8:30pm until 6:30 am! Now, I wish...

I had a twinge of nervousness...

I was sitting here at my desk this morning, and although I was comforted by the encouraging words my blogging friends have written, I wondered for a moment if I am doing the right thing by quitting my job. My heart says ever so gently, "Megan, you silly girl, of course you's for your children." And then my head stubbornly says, "You better hope that your plan you've got brewing goes well." Then I remember to not worry so much about a plan, or money, or what other people think. God has his plan for me, and he will be there with words of love and encouragment, and be my rock when I need something to lean on. I will be Indiana Jones. (Read blogger comment by Jenni....thanks girl!)

What a weekend...

Saturday was a very sad day indeed, with one of my friends' dads funeral. It was beautifully done and a lot of people were there. My heart is aching for what she must be going through, and I find myself very melancholy the last two days. Please pray for the Stoeckel family... I am getting some good ideas from people for stay at home work. I am blessed with people everywhere who are thinking about me....thank you. And yes readers, I quit my job! My last day is August 28th. I feel a weight lifted, and I am ready to follow my heart and my soul, wherever it may lead!


I just found out a friend of mine's dad has died...I am at a loss for words, completely dumbfounded. He was one of the nicest men I have ever met in my life, and they have the sweetest family. Wow.

I love nursing, but...

I love nursing but I don't love waking up with my shirt soaked with milk. And it wouldn't be so bad to nurse if I had more than three nursing bras, because I am washing them like every, well, 3 days because I usually have soaked through them sometime during the day or night, and, well, they smell after that. (lovely I know) Nursing would be better if I could take a shower and not worry about getting from the shower to my bra before the pipes burst and leak all over the floor. Since we are on the subject of pipes bursting, nursing would also be better if I didn't spray my baby in the face when the pipes are full and she can't swallow fast enough, so milk goes spurting everywhere, in every which direction... I love nursing, but I wish I was a good public nurser...see, I can't quite keep the blanket on my shoulder well enough to try and get the baby to latch on, while making sure you can't see my,eh uumm, mammory gland, and so then I start to sweat becau...


So, just a quick note! If anyone does know of a family that is need of daycare for at least 3 days a week, please let me know!! I really think I would be happier at home, but I know I need some sort of income to at least supplement what I would take home after I pay a daycare to watch my 3 kids!! So it just makes more sense to stay home and figure something out! So if you know of a family or know of some other type of stay at home work....please let me know and please help me in praying about it! Thanks!


I bet not a soul checks this old, dusty blog page anymore. But. I decided to dust it off today and update a little on my life! It's CRAZY AWESOME! Shelby is an amazing baby! Amazing! She is now sleeping 5 -7 hour stretches at night and then she's up for an hour and back down for the next stretch. She takes naps during the day and is starting to smile...gorgeous! She had a really bad baby acne rash for about 3 weeks, but as soon as I just started washing her up with just water, it went away! Halloran is great too, she tests me alot, more so my patience then anything. And my brain. I am always trying to figure her out, why she does the things she does, why she can scream the way she screams, and then loves the way she loves. She is beautiful to me. Brady is wonderful! He is the most amazing big brother. He is so loving and helpful. Sometimes I think I am going to bust when I look at him. He has an amazing soul and I can't wait to see what he does in life. I go back to work on...